Sunday, November 23, 2014

Prayer Service

There will be a Memorial Prayer Service tomorrow night.

Monday, November 17, 2014

It is with a heavy heart that I announce that my husband and best friend Ken passed peacefully into Heaven yesterday evening.
His battle with cancer was met with the same stoic calmness he carried throughout his life. We are comforted in knowing that we were so very blessed to share his life and that his spirit will live in our hearts Forever.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Radiation can't be done soon enough

Radiation has been harsh, and Kenny has been feeling so very weak, sick and tired. We went Tuesday (10/28) for bloodwork and his levels had dropped to 4.8 so they admitted him and transfused 5 more units of blood. He was discharged at 8:30 last night and had to be back first thing today. What is it with these hospitals discharging at all hours?? He has four more doses of radiation..Mon-Thurs and the Drs seem confident that it will stop the bleeding, I pray they are right. None of the treatments so far have had the effect we had been hoping for and Kenny continues to lose weight and get weaker. My heart breaks to think of all that he has endured and what lies ahead. Your prayers mean so much and we are blessed with the love and support from our family and friends.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Hospital stay # 3

Hi all, sorry it's been a while, sooo much has been going on. Chemo didn't seem to change much and this past Sunday(10/12) he had been feeling very weak and right along his levels would go up and down with every transfusion. I called the on-call and they had me bring him in to the E.R.. His levels were back down to 5.7 so they started giving him blood and admitted him to the MICU. On Monday they kept transfusing and monitoring and on Tuesday they did an endoscopy- no new bleeds, just seepage. Wednesday they met with the Radiation team who think they can help the bleeding - so he began his first of 15 radiation treatments on Wednesday. He goes every Monday-Friday for 3 weeks , chemo is on hold till then. They didn't release him from the hospital until 9:00 last night!  We lost track of how much blood he received but I think it was 6 or 7 units. He is exhausted but happy to be home. Hope all is well in your world, thank-you for the support :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

More Transfusions and chemo

More blood last Monday, chemo on Tuesday , 2 more pints on Friday and 2 more today. I think we should start calling him ... Dracula. We're hoping that he starts feeling the benefits from the chemo soon. He still doesn't have an appetite and is fatigued and sore . They increased the pain meds but he doesn't like taking them. Overall we're taking it one day at a time and that seems to help. The kids are crazy busy and they keep this place lively and interesting. We are enjoying the beautiful weather and the changing leaves. Hope each of you is able to cherish these wonderful Autumn days.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Chemo and Autumn begin again

The days are melting together and I cannot believe that today is the last day of Summer. Since the filter surgery, Kenny's legs have been quite swollen but that is finally starting to get better. Tuesday was the first day of chemo since July 1st. Although his levels were high enough to get treatment, he had to go back Friday for 2 more pints of blood and he will go again tomorrow for a tune-up before Tuesdays scheduled chemo. Tomorrow is also our 23rd wedding Anniversary and for Kenny I'm praying for a Good day- good mobility,good levels, good appetite and good outlook.  A lot to ask for I know but hey, I'm an optomist :) Thank you for keeping us in your prayers and may you all have a lovely first day of Autumn !

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Moving in the right direction

I have to admit it's been a long road since the original surgery and with the blood levels staying low, I was worried that they would need to go in again.  But yesterday his levels were finally good enough that he didn't need a transfusion! Hayley has been keeping track and since August 11th, Kenny has received 18 pints of O neg blood. Many thanks to all who donate, it truly is the gift of life.
We see the Dr again on Tuesday to discuss the next round of Chemo. Thank-you for the love and prayers :)